Tuesday, October 11, 2005

II PM report: Ponytail on fire, blogosphere burning

Everybody accepts that blogs can be a useful tool of information. But some had doubts about how useful and exactly when. We have TV, we have internet (outside blogs), we have newspapers, magazines and what not, so where do the blogs stand in as source of first hand information?

The answer is here. This story and the stories around it that you will probably read only on blogs. It's about IIPM and its controversial claims, but you won't see them in most other media because IIPM happens to one of the biggest advertisers today.

IIPM, the B-school run by that pony-tailed Chaudhary, is the focus of a raging controversy in blogosphere. When I first read about IIPM and its claims and Jam's rip-it-apart story, I had the feeling this will be big. But this big?! Amit Verma of India Uncut has put it all together. Question of Principles.

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