Monday, January 05, 2004

Nuke pinch: Pak programme leaks so much, it stinks

A New York Times report"From Rogue Nuclear Programs, Web of Trails Leads to Pakistan" — now nearly confirms that Pakistan is the current fountainhead of nuclear proliferation in the world. Nothing new for those keeping a track of the nuke tech leakage from Kahuta, but it is interesting to see the mainstream American media seeing truth in what has not been a secret.

We remember last time NYT did a story on how nuclear technology was transferred to North Korea at the peak of American assault on Afghan Taliban.

But this time it's serious because the report suggests the technology and equipment have had midway stops like Dubai. As in the case of Libya, the deadly nuke knowledge and material changed many hands to reach Tripoli. The report says all this was happening behind the Pakistani government's back.

What's the guarantee that the middlemen haven't kept a copy? What's the guarantee that it has not reached the al-Qaida? For now, the world has its fingers crossed.

The focus is on the father of Pakistani nuclear programme, A.Q. Khan, who might have illegitimately fathered a few dirty bombs being nurtured in terrorist cells in the area. The danger is not clear but it's present. The Pakistani government, even though not democratically elected, has been a responsible government but has had no control over the irresponsible elements within and outside the government.

Now that the threat is taking nuclear proportions, Pakistan and its allies, that includes the United States, would have to answer to the world how would the contain the threat if it's not in the hands of a rogue regime they can overthrow or replace. What if it has fallen in the hands of rogues who have kept the world on its toes since September the 11th two years ago.

Time and again, we have heard Osama on TV announcing that the next attack would be beyond America's imagination. What is it?

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